GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2024-002
The GHIT Fund announces the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Parallel or concurrent development of multiple interventions (e.g., development of new drugs alongside improved diagnostic tools for disease control, advancing multiple promising drug candidates concurrently)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 14, 2024
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 11, 2024
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/ )
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 9, 2024
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/ )
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates by email.
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes August 2024 - February 2025
Notification of Results February 2025
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2025
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2024-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release November 1, 2023
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on November 28, 2023
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/ )
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 5, 2024
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2024-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 12, 2024
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/ )
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates by email.
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes January - July 2024
Notification of Results July 2024
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2024
Product Development Platform 2023-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
The investment scope for the RFP-PD-2023-002 is primarily focused on continuation projects, diagnostics projects, and projects beyond lead optimization (e.g. FIH and POC).
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 13, 2023
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 11, 2023
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 2, 2023
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2023-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 9, 2023
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes August 2023 – February 2024
Notification of Results February 2024
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2024
RFP Product Development Platform 2023-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release November 14, 2022
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 12, 2022
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 9, 2023
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2023-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 16, 2023
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes January - July 2023
Notification of Results July 2023
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2023
Product Development Platform 2022-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
The investment scope for the RFP-PD-2022-002 is primarily focused on continuation projects, diagnostics projects, and projects beyond lead optimization (e.g. FIH and POC).
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 6, 2022
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 4, 2022
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 26, 2022
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2022-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 2, 2022
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes August 2022 – February 2023
Notification of Results February 2023
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2023
RFP Product Development Platform 2022-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
The investment scope for the RFP-PD-2022-001 is primarily focused on continuation projects and diagnostics projects.
・For continuation project: eligible for diseases described below
・For diagnostics project: eligible for diseases described below
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release November 2, 2021
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 3, 2021
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 23, 2021
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2022-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 6, 2022
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes January - July 2022
Notification of Results July 2022
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2022
RFP Product Development Platform 2021-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Scope for the RFP-PD-2021-002 is primarily focused on continuation programs, diagnostics programs, and programs beyond lead optimization (e.g. FIH and POC).
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 1, 2021
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 8, 2021
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 27, 2021
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2021-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 3, 2021
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes August 2021 - February 2022
Notification of Results February 2022
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2022
RFP Product Development Platform 2021-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release November 2, 2020
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 4, 2020
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 23, 2020
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2021-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 6, 2021
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive an instruction to access the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes January - July 2021
Notification of Results July 2021
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2021
RFP Product Development Platform 2020-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Scope for the RFP-PD-2020-002 is primarily focused on continuation programs, diagnostics programs, and programs beyond lead optimization (e.g. FIH and POC).
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
(The schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.)
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 15, 2020
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 29, 2020
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 11, 2020
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2020-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 17, 2020
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive a password to open the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes August - February 2021
Notification of Results February 2021
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2021
RFP Product Development Platform 2020-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release November 15, 2019
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 17, 2019
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 17, 2020
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2020-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 24, 2020
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Full Proposal templates
*Only eligible applicants will be invited to submit the full proposal and will receive a password to open the proposal templates below.
[Drug] [Vaccine] [Diagnostics]
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes February - July 2020
Notification of Results July 2020
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2020
RFP Product Development Platform 2019-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Scope for the RFP-PD-2019-002 is primarily focused on continuation projects, diagnostics projects, and late stage projects (e.g. FIH and POC).
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release July 10, 2019
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 27, 2019
*Applicants are encouraged to submit the ITA well in advance of the Full Proposal submission deadline shown below to secure sufficient time to prepare full proposal.
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 6, 2019
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2019-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 10, 2019
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes September - February 2020
Notification of Results February 2020
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2020
RFP Product Development Platform 2019-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release December 3, 2018
Intent to Apply No later than 5:00 pm Tokyo time on January 11, 2019
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 29, 2019
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2019-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on February 4, 2019
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes February 2019 - July 2019
Notification of Results July 2019
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2019
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2018-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release July 20, 2018
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 10, 2018
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 3, 2018
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2018-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 7, 2018
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes September 2018 - February 2019
Notification of Results February 2019
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2019
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2018-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release January 12, 2018
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on February 1, 2018
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on February 19, 2018
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2018-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on February 26, 2018
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes February 2018 - July 2018
Notification of Results July 2018
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) August 2018
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2017-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release July 25, 2017
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 21, 2017
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 17, 2017
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2017-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 19, 2017
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes September 2017 - February 2018
Notification of Results February 2018
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) March 2018
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2017-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release October 7, 2016
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on November 10, 2016
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 26, 2016
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2017-001_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 13, 2017
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
Proposals Evaluation and Interview Processes January 2017 - July 2017
Notification of Results End of July 2017
Investment Agreement Fully Executed (Awarded Proposals) Mid-September 2017
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2016-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
Interested applicants can find detailed information on the RFP and the Intent to Apply form below.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release July 1, 2016
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on July 28, 2016
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 23, 2016
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2016-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 1, 2016
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development
Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Notification of Results No later than February 10, 2017
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2016-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the platform, please see RFP.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release October 1, 2015
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on November 16, 2015 Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on December 18, 2015 Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2016-001_QuestionsFull Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on January 6, 2016 Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
Notification of Results No later than August 1, 2016
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2015-002
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the platform, please see RFP.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release June 22, 2015
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on August 5, 2015
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 1, 2015
Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2015-002_Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on September 9, 2015
Submit via Editorial Manager® for Product Development Platform
Notification of Results No later than February 12, 2016
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2015-001
The GHIT Fund announces an investment opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration projects should be no more than two years in duration and may focus on a broad array of R&D activities, including:
- Lead optimization
- Preclinical Development (in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- Clinical Development (Phase 1, 2, or 3 studies, manufacturing scale-up)
- Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the platform, please see RFP.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release February 6, 2015
Intent to Apply No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on March 13, 2015Q&A
(RFP related questions)No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on March 30, 2015Submit questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.orgEmail Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-PD-2015-001_QuestionsFull Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo time on April 3, 2015Notification of Results No later than August 1, 2015
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2014-002
The GHIT Fund announces a funding award opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, or diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address NTD-related health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies focused on NTDs.
In April 2014, the GHIT Fund endorsed the 2012 London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases and joined its signatories, representing NGOs, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and academic-research sectors, in commitment to the eradication, elimination, and control of NTDs in the world’s poorest populations. In line with this commitment, This RFP will focus specifically on “Combatting Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)."
(For your referernce; www.ghitfund.org/about/mediacenter/pressdetail/detail/81)
The proposed collaboration project may include R&D activities from pre-clinical research (post-lead optimization) through licensure. More specifically, we seek to fund a portfolio of innovative collaboration projects, such as:
■ Pre-clinical development (e.g., lead-optimization, in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
■ Clinical development (e.g., Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, manufacturing scale up)
■ Activities to support licensure and WHO pre qualification
If you are interested in applying for the grant, please download RFP related documents.
RFP and Intent to Apply
Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release 13th June, 2014
Intent to Apply From 10:00am Tokyo Time on 16th June, 2014
To 10:00 am Tokyo Time on 18th August, 2014
Submit GHIT RFP 2014-002 Intent To Apply using our online submission system (http://www.editorialmanager.com/ghitfund/)
(RFP related questions)Submit Questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org no later than 11th September, 2014.
Email Subject Line: GHIT Fund-RFP-2014-002 Questions
Full Proposal Due No later than 10:00 am Tokyo Time on 18th September, 2014
Notification of Results No later than 16th February, 2015
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2014-001
The GHIT Fund announces a funding award opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration project may include R&D activities from pre-clinical research (post-lead optimization) through licensure. More specifically, we seek to fund a portfolio of innovative collaboration projects, such as:
- ・Pre-clinical development (e.g., lead-optimization, in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- ・Clinical development (e.g., Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, manufacturing scale up)
- ・Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the grant, please download RFP related documents.
RFP and Intent to Apply
GHIT RFP 2014 001
GHIT RFP 2014-001 IntentToApply
GHIT Fund RFP2014-001 Proposal Template Sample
GHIT Fund RFP2014-001 Timeline Template Sample
GHIT Fund RFP2014-001 Budget Template Sample
Results for RFP-PD-2014-001Key RFP Milestone Dates
RFP Release February 3, 2014
Intent to Apply 10:00 am March 17, 2014
Submit GHIT_RFP_IntentToApply.doc to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-2014-001 Intent to ApplyQ&A
(RFP related questions)Submit Questions to RFPResponse@ghitfund.org
no later than 10:00 am April 7, 2014
Email Subject Line: GHIT-RFP-2014-001 QuestionsFull Proposal Due 10:00 am Tokyo Time April 15, 2014
Notification of Results No later than September 1, 2014
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2013-002
The GHIT Fund announces a funding award opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration project may include R&D activities from pre-clinical research (post-lead optimization) through licensure. More specifically, we seek to fund a portfolio of innovative collaboration projects, such as:
- ・Pre-clinical development (e.g., lead-optimization, in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- ・Clinical development (e.g., Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, manufacturing scale up)
- ・Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the grant, please download RFP related documents.
RFP and Intent to Apply
GHIT Fund RFP Product Development Platform 2013-001
The GHIT Fund announces a funding award opportunity for the development of new medicines, vaccines, diagnostics for infectious diseases that are prevalent in the developing world. Proposed projects should address health needs in the developing world or fill a gap in global health technologies for infectious diseases. The proposed collaboration project may include R&D activities from pre-clinical research (post-lead optimization) through licensure. More specifically, we seek to fund a portfolio of innovative collaboration projects, such as:
- ・Pre-clinical development (e.g., lead-optimization, in-vivo studies, formulation development, chemistry and process validation)
- ・Clinical development (e.g., Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, manufacturing scale up)
- ・Activities to support licensure and WHO prequalification
If you are interested in applying for the grant, please download RFP related documents.
RFP and Intent to Apply