
December 22, 2017

Event Report: GHIT R&D Forum

GHIT held its inaugural R&D Forum on December 8, 2017. 130 domestic and international researchers participated, joining discussions on GHIT invested projects ranging from target research to clinical trials. In addition, GHIT executives, along with representatives from the Japan Agency for Medical Development (AMED), EDCTP, and UNITAID, discussed co-funding partnerships.


Speakers from GHIT’s product development partner organizations shared lessons learned and explored related R&D challenges and opportunities through interactive sessions with the broader participant group.


Productive questions and answer sessions following each panel covered such topics as how to find appropriate partners, the ingredients of successful cross-border R&D partnerships, issues pertaining to the conduct of clinical trials in low- and middle-income countries, and aligning strategies between funders.


Speaker information and presentations are available here.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/141762393@N03/albums/72157689599029741