General FAQs
- QWhat is the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund)?
- AThe first of its kind in Japan, the GHIT Fund is an international public-private partnership between the Government of Japan, multiple pharmaceutical companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The GHIT Fund invests in, and manages a portfolio of, product development partnerships aimed at creating new and improved tools to prevent, diagnose, and treat the infectious diseases—such as malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases—that disproportionally afflict the world’s poorest people. The GHIT Fund mobilizes pharmaceutical companies, academic and research organizations to engage in the effort to create new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics.
- QWhat is the vision and mission of GHIT Fund?
- APlease see our vision and mission here.
- QWhere is GHIT Fund located?
- AGHIT Fund is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Please see more information about GHIT Fund here.
- QWhen was GHIT Fund founded?
- AGHIT Fund was founded and registered in Japan as a General Incorporated Association in November 2012 and launched officially in April 2013. GHIT was certified in Japan as a Public Interested Corporation in 2014.
- QCan I apply for a job at GHIT Fund?
- AFor job opportunities including employees and interns, please contact us through the form.
- QHow can I request a speaker from GHIT Fund for a conference/event/symposium?
AIf you would like to request the participation of a GHIT Fund representative in an
upcoming event or symposium, please contact
info AT ghitfund.org
*Please use “@” instead of AT when you contact us. - QHow can my organization partner with GHIT Fund on a public health issue?
APartnership is a cornerstone of our mission and our business model. There are
three primary ways to work with GHIT: as a funding partner, sponsor, or product development
partner. Please contact
info AT ghitfund.org
about general partnerships, andgrants AT ghitfund.org
about R&D partnerships.
*Please use “@” instead of AT when you contact us. - QIn what ways does GHIT’s work contribute to progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
- AAmong SDG targets , the GHIT Fund carries out activities related to achieving targets of Goal 1 (No poverty), Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), Goal 10 (Reduced inequalities), and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the goals).
- QDoes GHIT accept individual donations?
- ANo. GHIT receives funding only from our funding partner organizations.
- QWhat organizations does GHIT Fund work with?
- APlease see our funding partners and sponsors here, product development partners here, and UNDP here.
- QWho funds GHIT Fund?
- A The Japanese Government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, UNDP, and Japanese and international private companies are participating as funding partners and sponsors. See more details here
- QHow does GHIT Fund use its funding?
- AGHIT uses its funding for product development for malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases. Please see our investment programs for more details.
- QHow much of GHIT’s funding goes to programs?
- AGHIT allocates 95% of its budget to investment related programs and just 5% to overhead and management expenses.
- QWhy does GHIT use the term “investment” instead of “grant”?
- AWhile the GHIT Fund does not demand any financial return in exchange for funding, we use “investment” over traditional “grant” terminology to reinforce expectations of how we use our resources, and the outcomes we expect. This mindset serves our development partners (i.e., our investees) as well by positioning them as engaged equals. As investors, we have a stake in the outcome of each investment; we are analytical risk-takers that invest with the expectation of specific returns. As “development partners,” our investees are incentivized to be communicative, active partners, thereby resulting in better results and a strong sense of accountability to GHIT’s mission.
- QCan I use the name and logo of GHIT Fund?
AWe do not accept unauthorized use of the name of our fund and logo. Please contact
info AT ghitfund.org
to inquire about the use of our name and logo.
*Please use “@” instead of AT when you contact us. - QHow do governments, foundations, and companies that invest in GHIT engage in the Fund’s management and the selection of investment projects?
- ASee details on the functions and roles of our Council, Board of Directors, and Selection Committee, here . See details on GHIT’s governance here .
- QWhere can I find out more about GHIT’s investment approach?
- APlease see our portfolio here . For additional details, please see our Investment FAQs .