Business Model

How we work

Innovative financing
for global health R&D

GHIT is a public-private partnership fund for global health R&D. We invest in nonprofit product development for malaria, tuberculosis, and NTDs. The Japanese Government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, UNDP, and Japanese and international private companies are participating as funding partners.

Investing in
international open

GHIT catalyzes open innovation between Japanese and non-Japanese entities across the globe to accelerate product development for individuals suffering from neglected diseases. We do this by integrating Japan’s science and pharmaceutical technologies and capabilities with global networks and resources. Global partnerships between Japan and overseas entities allow us to position GHIT's work within the global portfolio while creating significant impact in terms of fundraising, investment, and access.

Stringent monitoring
and evaluation

GHIT evaluates and monitors project progress, together with product development partners, using gold-standard industry metrics. We promptly retire research that does not bear fruit. This approach enables efficient use our limited resources and brings about tangible impact more quickly.

Access & delivery
strategy appraisal

GHIT provides strategic guidance to product development partners on their launch strategies for late-stage candidates, in collaboration with domestic and international partners. Specifically, GHIT ensures that strategies carefully consider such issues as product registration by a stringent regulatory agency, manufacturing, procurement, and distribution.

Change Through Innovation

Managing conflicts of
interests through good

GHIT was certified by Japan’s Cabinet Office as the country’s first international Public Interest Incorporated Association in June 2014. Our Council , Board of Directors , Selection Committee , and Leadership Team each maintain international membership, with all meetings conducted in English.

We are committed to transparency and fairness, and we apply international standards of excellence to our management and governance approaches. The robust firewall between GHIT’s funders and our investment and organizational decision-making is a cornerstone of our model. No company that funds GHIT also participates in any decision-making governance body or on the Management Team. By separating funding from organizational operations and decision-making, GHIT manages potential conflicts of interest appropriately and can partner with both the government and private corporations to accelerate product development.