Press Release
GHIT Fund Announces New Investments: A Total of 630 Million Yen in Drug for Malaria, Tuberculosis, Chagas disease, and Leishmaniasis, Vaccines for Malaria and Chagas disease, and Diagnostics for Malaria
The Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund announced today a total of 630 million yen (US$5.9 million*) to invest in eight partnerships to develop new lifesaving drugs, vaccines and diagnostics for malaria, tuberculosis, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis. This includes six new projects and two that will receive continued funding. (Appendix 1 & 2)
“The innovative technology and approaches of our newly awarded discovery and preclinical investments demonstrate GHIT’s persistent aspiration for new innovations and a push to accelerate product development for neglected patients by bridging Japan and the world.” said Ms. Catherine Kaseri Ohura, the CEO of GHIT.
Currently, there are 47 ongoing projects, including 25 discovery, 16 preclinical and six clinical trials in the GHIT portfolio. (Appendix 3)
* USD1 = JPY106.43, the approximate exchange rate on August 30, 2019.