Press Release

March 28, 2019

GHIT Fund Announces New Investments: A Total of 2.86 Billion Yen in Drug for Schistosomiasis, Dengue, Malaria and Tuberculosis, Vaccines for Leishmaniasis and Malaria, and Diagnostics for Tuberculosis

The Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund announced today a total of 2.86 billion yen (US$25.8 million*) to support 10 partnerships to develop new lifesaving drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics for malaria, tuberculosis, dengue, leishmaniasis, and schistosomiasis. This includes three new projects and seven that will receive continued funding. (Appendix 1)


"We are thrilled to see our portfolio continue to advance and accelerate, to expand and evolve. This marks now a total of 17 billion yen (US$153 million*) invested in over 80 global product development partnerships aimed to leverage Japanese science and pharmaceutical capabilities through global partnership. Side by side with our partners, GHIT continues to drive ahead looking to deliver lifesaving tools to save millions of lives.” said, said BT Slingsby, the CEO of GHIT.


Currently, there are 50 ongoing projects including 27 discovery, 15 preclinical, and eight clinical trials in the GHIT portfolio. (Appendix 2) 


* USD1 = JPY110.91, the approximate exchange rate on February 28, 2019.